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Merging 12 months of sales data into a single csv file

Read in updated DataFrame

Clean up Data!

Drop rows of NaN


Find 'Or' and delete it

Convert columns to the correct type

Augment data with additional columns

Task 2: Add Month Column

Task 3: Add a sales column

Task 4: Add a city column

We can als use function (def) to grab cities;

C'est une fonction puissante

Question 1: What was the best month for sales? How much was earned that month?

We can see that Dezember was the best sale month with over 4.613443 dollars and the worst month was January with 1.822257 dollars

Question 2: What city had the highest number of sales?

Question 3: What time should we display adverisements to maximize likelihood of customer's buying product?

What time should we display adverisements to maximize likelihood of customer's buying product? my recommendation is around 11 am (11h) or 7 pm (19h)

Drop duplicate

Question 5: What product sold the most? Why do you think it sold the most?